Wednesday 11 December 2019

Maximizing the impact of your IoT Proof of Concept

The Internet of Things (IoT) offers businesses opportunities for incredible savings and growth. However, an IoT solution may also require a significant up-front investment. At Liquid Telecom, we can help you find the solution that fits your business needs and help you implement that technology to maximize your return. Contact us to learn more.

View: Maximizing the impact of your IoT Proof of Concept

Deploying Windows 10 at Microsoft as an in-place upgrade

If you haven't upgraded to the latest version of Windows, you could be losing out on productivity. Your employees need the latest tools, and we can help. At Liquid Telecom, we have a team of dedicated professionals who specialize in helping businesses just like yours grow and adopt new solutions, platforms, and IT. Contact us to find out how we can bring your team and their assets up to date with the latest tech and solutions on the market.

View: Deploying Windows 10 at Microsoft as an in-place upgrade

Tuesday 10 December 2019

The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft 365 Education: Improving student learning while reducing cost and effort

Forrester interviewed five large school districts to discover what impact moving to Microsoft 365 had on their budgets and, more importantly, the experiences of their students and teachers. The results are significant.

View: The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft 365 Education: Improving student learning while reducing cost and effort

Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

Don't let the upcoming end of support for Windows 7 and Office 2010 put productivity and customer data at risk. Go modern with Microsoft to unlock and foster better collaboration, remain secure and reduce costs. Subscribe now to learn how Microsoft can help you go modern with advanced security and device management capabilities that increase productivity and safeguard business.

View: Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

Azure IoT PaaS vs SaaS

With SaaS and PaaS, the right solution is different for every business. SaaS can provide predictable pricing options without the need to construct an in-house management solution. PaaS allows businesses with cloud and device expertise to fine-tune their IT services to reduce costs and maximize return on investment. The decision is up to you, but you're not alone. At Liquid Telecom, we can help facilitate your decision and guide you along the way. Contact us to learn more.

View: Azure IoT PaaS vs SaaS

Microsoft 365 Office Flyer

In the digital age, your business must offer customers increased security and privacy without breaking the bank. Security across all your devices is key to ensuring you're protected. Safeguard cyberthreats proactively with enhanced and constantly updated tools and anomaly detection policies. At Liquid Telecom, we know this can be a challenge, that's why we're here to help. Contact us today to create a robust and secure IT system that your customers expect and that you'll be glad you have.

View: Microsoft 365 Office Flyer

More time for teachers. More savings for the district. More opportunities for students.

Check out the highlights from a recent Total Economic Impact study on the implementation of Microsoft 365 in schools, examining everything from financial savings to teacher and student experiences.

View: More time for teachers. More savings for the district. More opportunities for students.

Monday 9 December 2019

Customer Story: Think Up Consulting

Think Up Consulting is a young, fast-growing agency based in Greenville, South Carolina. The agency specializes in brand strategy, change management and strategic consulting to help global brands make deep, lasting connections with customers. For Think Up, the ability to ensure seamless communication and reliable security while maximizing productivity are musts. To support these priorities, the company chose Office 365 to streamline internal processes and dramatically reduce the number of emails employees send. A forward-thinking company, Think Up continues to explore and adapt new technology to help increase employee efficiency and better meet its customer's needs. We can help you do the same. Contact us to learn more.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

How Do We Design Workplaces For Maximum Productivity

In the digital age, we need to start focusing on employees as the drivers of growth by helping them be more productive. Design a workplace strategy that supports and enables efficient, happier, and healthier employees with a mobile, modern desktop. At Liquid Telecom, we can help. With years of experience helping businesses handle the tech they need, we can help you ensure your employees are at their peak performance with new solutions. Contact us to find out how we can help.


IoT in the Workplace: Smart Office Applications for Better Productivity

The "smart office" or office equipped with IoT devices, represents an intelligent ecosystem that businesses rely on to monitor, control, and manage various operations and working conditions within their organization. At Liquid Telecom, we have the tools and know the solutions that will be best for integrating connected devices into your organization. With the right help, you can drive transformation. Contact us for a consultation to find out more about your IoT possibilities.


What is a composable infrastructure?

There are a lot of benefits of having a composable infrastructure. Resources can be reconfigured to make up the infrastructure environment each workload needs. A developer can request VMs with any combination of compute, network, and storage capacity. At Liquid Telecom, we can help you create and optimize the infrastructure you need to achieve more. Contact us today to learn more about your different infrastructure options and how we can help you implement them.


Tuesday 3 December 2019

Top 10 Security Deployment Actions with Microsoft 365

If you're looking for a roadmap to a more secure system, we've got you covered. Check out this list to discover 10 actions you can take using the tools provided in Microsoft 365 to better protect your business from cybersecurity threats. And don't forget, Liquid Telecom is here to help you every step of the way.

View: Top 10 Security Deployment Actions with Microsoft 365

Customer Story: Dell

For Dell, having a mobile workforce was essential. That meant they needed a cloud solution that would allow them to gain access from anywhere and collaborate with ease. With the right solution, Dell is positioned for the future evolution of their industry. Is your company ready to take on the future? At Liquid Telecom, we can help you integrate the modern desktop solutions you need to ensure a great digital experience for your employees. Contact us today to learn more.

Customer story: Steelcase

Steelcase believes that optimizing office space for productivity can fuel employee engagement. That's why they monitor customer office space and provide feedback on how to manufacture a productive work environment. To analyze IoT data, they receive real-time reporting from Azure to create actionable insights for customers. You can do the same. At Liquid Telecom, we can help you integrate solutions that help you get the most from your IoT data. Contact us to learn more.

You Can Speed Grade Assignments With Microsoft Teams

Watch how seemingly small features in Microsoft Teams, such as the ability to leave in-program comments and set built-in rubrics, can dramatically reduce grading times for busy teachers.

Customer story: M-Files

M-Files, an enterprise content management vendor, is in the process of shifting their data and workloads to the cloud. To help them achieve their goals and migrate as seamlessly as possible, M-Files chose Azure. At Liquid Telecom, we want to help you migrate to the cloud quickly and efficiently so you can achieve more. Contact us to learn more.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Bringing digital transformation to the supply chain with Azure IoT Suite

When a problem affects the supply chain of your organization, customers and future sales could be in jeopardy. That's why it's important to know what's going on with your equipment. With connected devices, you have access to data like never before so you can prevent issues before they become problems. At Liquid Telecom, we want to help you integrate IoT into your business operations today. Contact us to learn more.

View: Bringing digital transformation to the supply chain with Azure IoT Suite

Increasing employee productivity with Microsoft Search in Bing and PowerApps

Technology exists to make our lives easier, safer, and more productive. So, why are you still using an outdated IT infrastructure? Empower your employees to accomplish more by digitally transforming how they work. At Liquid Telecom, our goal is to help you put solutions in place that can help your team accomplish more. Contact us today to find out how we can help you deliver the user experience and productivity gains your employees need to succeed.

View: Increasing employee productivity with Microsoft Search in Bing and PowerApps

Leveling the playing field with Microsoft Learning Tools

In order to answer the questions teachers care about most when considering bringing a new tool into their classroom, Microsoft implemented Learning Tools into eight classrooms across multiple grade levels. Check out those answers and the encouraging results here. Microsoft implemented Learning Tools in eight classrooms across multiple grade levels to find out whether it really does support learning, especially in the areas of reading and writing. The results are encouraging.

View: Leveling the playing field with Microsoft Learning Tools

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Using Azure and Visual Studio Team Services for open-source development

If you want to integrate more modern engineering practices using open-source technologies, now is the time to act. Azure offers a significant cost savings and business value, allowing customers to achieve more on all their workloads. At Liquid Telecom, we help support your open-source needs. Contact us today to speak with one of our dedicated professionals.

View: Using Azure and Visual Studio Team Services for open-source development

How small businesses can safeguard their data

With security risks like compromised credentials, stolen devices, and human error, keeping your business protected can seem overwhelming, especially for a small business that may not have the resources to dedicate to it. Microsoft 365 offers a complete solution, with tools like multifactor identification and data encryption that cover the areas you can't.

View: How small businesses can safeguard their data

Getting Started with Red Hat on Azure

Do you use open-source solutions and products like Red Hat? If so, you need a cloud provider that works with your existing Red Hat subscription. The good news is, you can now use your Red Hat subscription on Azure. If you're interested in making the shift to the cloud, Liquid Telecom can help you integrate your Red Hat services seamlessly. Contact us today to learn more about our industry-recognized service offering.

View: Getting Started with Red Hat on Azure

Microsoft 365 Powered Device Pilot Datasheet

If your IT solutions are outdated, it's time you start thinking about how you're going to modernize the way you do business. With a modern desktop, employees have the tools to do more and stay secure. With security built in, Windows 10 protects, detects, and responds to the most advanced malware and cyber threats. At Liquid Telecom, we know how to help you plan and adopt a solution that you can use to give your employees the security and productivity they need to succeed. Contact us today for more.

View: Microsoft 365 Powered Device Pilot Datasheet

Connect your business with IoT. Get started with Microsoft IoT!

Why should you adopt the Internet of Things? Imagine knowing you need to fix your equipment before it fails, gaining fast insight from every device to feed your understanding of the constantly evolving situation. That's the power of IoT. Drive transformation within your business and get the help you need with Liquid Telecom. We have years of experience with connected devices for businesses just like yours. Contact us today to learn more.

View: Connect your business with IoT. Get started with Microsoft IoT!

I have solutions from many vendors in my IT environment. How can Microsoft help me secure our entire digital landscape?

Keep your data protected as your business grows and changes with the times. Whether you're adding apps, devices, or moving to the cloud, Microsoft 365 ensures your data is secure without overburdening your security team.

View: I have solutions from many vendors in my IT environment. How can Microsoft help me secure our entire digital landscape?

Wednesday 20 November 2019

13 Tech Experts Predict The Industry's Biggest Challenges In 2019

How is your business preparing for change? This year is set to be the biggest year in tech ever, but some businesses are still struggling to incorporate the cloud that will make the most promising innovations possible. If you still need to modernize your IT, we can help. At Liquid Telecom, we have industry experience helping businesses just like yours to modernize your desktop and IT.


Learning Tools For Microsoft OneNote May Be One Of The Most Disruptive Education Technologies Yet

Applications like Learning Tools bring innovative solutions that can help kids across the entire range of learning needs all through a single platform.


10 ways to learn more about open source software and trends

Do you know the impact of open source software on your company? In a recent survey, 59% of managers didn't seem to understand the role open source would play in the future of their enterprise. You could be missing out on valuable opportunities. At Liquid Telecom, we have the experience to help you identify the right solutions for your open source needs. We can help you navigate today's ever-expanding options. Contact us to learn more.


How can Microsoft help me understand my current security posture and get recommendations on how to improve?

This Thought Leadership provides an overview of the offerings Microsoft 365 has to help security CISOs and other security professionals gain better visibility and control of their current and future security position.

View: How can Microsoft help me understand my current security posture and get recommendations on how to improve?

Tuesday 19 November 2019

4 Enterprise IoT Scenarios to Jumpstart Your Connected Devices Strategy

As more and more companies migrate to the cloud, and businesses start to evaluate IoT solutions, there are a few scenarios that can help them jumpstart their connected devices strategy. BI, remote monitoring, centralized command, and control to name a few are some scenarios you can use to jumpstart your strategy. At Liquid Telecom, we have years of experience helping businesses just like yours to adopt, implement, and optimize IoT solutions that can drive transformation. Contact us to learn more.


Customer story: Shell invests in safety with Azure

Smoking and wrong fueling procedures are just some of the safety concerns for Shell retail locations. In the past, Shell couldn't analyze the hours of video footage that were logged daily. But now, with the help of Azure, they can analyze in real time and make safety adjustments as appropriate. You can access this same tech, and at Liquid Telecom, we want to help you integrate it. We can help you connect your devices and gain real insight from your data to drive change within your organization. Contact us today to learn more.

Customer story: Xiaoyi Technology

When global camera company Xiaoyi Technology (YI) set out to modernize its IT infrastructure in the cloud, it chose Microsoft 365. Since adopting Microsoft 365, the company has been able to boost productivity, maximize productivity and enhance customer experience by automating time intensive processes. This video shows highlights of the YI's inspiring story.

Karrick Learns to Read with Immersive Reader

Watch Immersive Reader become a game-changing tool for a second grader with dyslexia.

Customer story: Axon

At Axon, their mission is to protect life. They create tech that helps officers protect communities. With body cams producing petabytes of data every month, data storage starts to become an issue. That's why they modernized their IT infrastructure. At Liquid Telecom, we can help you find the right solutions to fit your needs. With our team of professionals, we can help minimize downtime and incorporate the functionality you need fast. Contact us today to learn more.

Monday 18 November 2019

Your Data is Safe with Office 365

Small businesses deserve the benefits of the cloud as much as any other company, and now they can do so without worrying about the security of their data.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Closing the STEM Gap: Why STEM classes and careers still lack girls and what we can do about it

Take an in-depth look at the Microsoft commissioned study to understand why girls are still steering away from STEM-related fields and what we can start doing now in our schools to close this gap.

View: Closing the STEM Gap: Why STEM classes and careers still lack girls and what we can do about it

Migrating an open source PaaS solution to Azure

Modern Muse, a UK-based charity, lifted their existing AWS solution and shifted it to Azure without significant code changes. At Liquid Telecom, we can help you in your migration journey also. You'll be amazed on what you can accomplish with tools like Azure. Contact us today to learn more.

View: Migrating an open source PaaS solution to Azure

The Right Secure Hardware for your IoT Deployment

To truly drive innovation, you need a safe, flexible, and feature-rich platform to expand and grow your IT operations. Finding that platform and incorporating it into your IT system can be challenging. At Liquid Telecom, we have helped businesses to find, plan, and employ the right IoT devices and solutions to meet their constantly growing needs. Contact us today to find out more on how we can help you bring your business to the edge of modern IoT possibilities.

View: The Right Secure Hardware for your IoT Deployment

Exploring Windows 10

Windows 10 is designed to add functionality on a familiar platform that will boost employee productivity and ensure a great user experience. It's one way your employees can get more from their modern devices. Combined with the flexibility of a modern workplace, you can increase your business productivity. At Liquid Telecom, we can help you adopt and implement Windows 10 and get the most from the new solutions that are available within it. Get the most from your new devices. Contact us today to learn how.

View: Exploring Windows 10

Closing the STEM Gap: 5 insights that can make a difference for girls and young women

Having more women in STEM fields benefits us all, so how do we get them there? It starts in our schools. This infographic illustrates five insights from a recent study that point us in the right direction for getting young girls interested in and developing STEM skills early on.

View: Closing the STEM Gap: 5 insights that can make a difference for girls and young women

Tuesday 12 November 2019

How do I find and manage shadow IT and rogue devices, and put policies in place to ensure we remain secure?

New cloud app capabilities offer the potential for teams to work smarter and more efficiently than ever before, but they can put huge pressure on IT and security teams to ensure company data remains secure without hindering forward progress. Microsoft 365 tools allow you to do this.

View: How do I find and manage shadow IT and rogue devices, and put policies in place to ensure we remain secure?

Data is more complex than ever. Transform data into insights with SQL Server 2019

Moving data isn't always easy. There are more than 340 types of databases in use today and moving data across them presents challenges for any IT team. At Liquid Telecom, we have years of experience helping businesses find the IT solutions that can keep up with their constantly evolving business practice. Whether you need a solution for storage, data transfer, or just need to gain better insights from your data, we can help. Contact us today to learn more.

View: Data is more complex than ever. Transform data into insights with SQL Server 2019

How IoT Can Help Your Organization Keep Customers Coming Back for More

Staying in control of your IoT assets is important. That's why you should have the industry-leading data protection features and standards of Azure IoT Central. It acts as a single pane of glass for your enterprise IoT and gives you the connectivity to drive transformation. It's not always easy adopting new solutions; that's why you should consult the experts at Liquid Telecom. We have years of experience helping firms like yours to optimize their IT operations. Contact us to learn more.

View: How IoT Can Help Your Organization Keep Customers Coming Back for More

Why your business should shift to a modern desktop with Microsoft 365 on a new device

Good employees do good work wherever they are. In fact, employee productivity increases on average by 22% when workers have the capability to work in a flexible modern workplace. Having that kind of flexibility even reduces employee turnover by 50%. If you're unsure about how to make the transition, we're here to help. At Liquid Telecom, we're industry experts and can help you formulate and execute a plan to modernize your workplace and devices. Contact us today for more.

View: Why your business should shift to a modern desktop with Microsoft 365 on a new device

Maximizing grant funding for your STEM initiatives

For school districts whose few resources are already spread thin, grants are the perfect way to bring in new tools to benefit STEM learning. However, the range of grant sizes, providers, and requirements can be overwhelming to a school district just starting the process. This guide efficiently organizes what your district needs to know about grant applications, covering everything from overviews of sources and structure, common STEM grants, and valuable application tips.

View: Maximizing grant funding for your STEM initiatives

Monday 11 November 2019

Defend, protect, secure. IT heroes in action.

Walk through a week in the life of IT professionals to see the variety of work they do each day to address threats and protect your organization.

View: Defend, protect, secure. IT heroes in action.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Tech Leaders Look To IoT, AI & Robotics To Fuel Growth Through 2021

21% of tech leaders in the UK, 20% in Japan, and 16% in the US plan to leverage the IoT to digitally transform their businesses by 2021. Read this article for insight on how your business compares.


Why SMEs Should Embrace The Flexi-Time Movement

There's no question, greater flexibility makes happier employees and promotes productivity. Allowing employees to work when they are most efficient means maximizing their efforts while boosting morale. But getting the modern desktop solutions your employees need to work productively requires a transition. At Liquid Telecom, we have years of experience helping businesses transition to a modern desktop solution that meets their exact needs. It's one way you can reduce the uncertainty of a big change. Contact us to learn more.


Protect your data in files, apps, and devices, within and across an organization

In addition to protecting endpoints, Microsoft believes in protecting data, starting at its very inception. Check out the strategies and tools they have to keep data protected across all scenarios in this informational document.

View: Protect your data in files, apps, and devices, within and across an organization

The Data Center Isn't Dying, But It Is Changing

There's no doubt that the nature of IT infrastructure is changing. According to some, it could spell the end of datacenters as we know them. Likely, that won't happen for many years. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't plan for the future. At Liquid Telecom, we can help you plan, implement, and optimize your cloud-based IT infrastructure for whatever the future may hold. Contact us today to set up a meeting.


Tuesday 5 November 2019

Tools and technology for developing future-ready skills

Find out what Microsoft is doing to ensure students today are prepared for the workforce of tomorrow, even if we are not yet sure what that work will be.

View: Tools and technology for developing future-ready skills

Customer story: Rolls Royce

Rolls Royce uses an Azure IoT suite to identify performance and operational efficiencies. With thousands of sensors in a single engine, it's imperative to have the tools to read and understand them. While the insight derived from Azure might be easy to understand, it's the way your company handles information management that makes the difference. At Liquid Telecom, we know this can be a challenge. As experts in the field, we've helped businesses like yours. Contact us today to find out more.

Customer story: Qantas Airways

What used to take the Qantas team months or weeks to resolve now takes a matter of days or hours. The cloud provides workers the flexibility to use mobile devices, speeding up the response times of management. Any firm can benefit from the flexibility of a modern desktop just like Qantas. But it's not always easy. At Liquid Telecom, we specialize in helping businesses just like yours to modernize their IT infrastructure to achieve the productivity that cloud tech can provide. Contact us to learn more.

The Value of Certification

Microsoft Imagine Academy designed to ensure students enter higher education, further education, or the workplace with this vitally important skill: technical proficiency and industry-recognized credentials. Hear from students, educators, and recent graduates about the benefits they have experienced using Microsoft Imagine Academy and preparing for careers.

Customer Story: BP deploys Microsoft 365 to improve user experience and security

BP recognizes the significance of cybersecurity to their business and the importance of continual digital transformation to remain competitive. To accomplish both simultaneously, they implemented Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5, getting the best of Microsoft tools with an integrated security system that's simple and easy for all employees to use.


Monday 4 November 2019

Customer story: GEA Group

GEA is one of the largest suppliers of process technology for the food industry in the world. They employ 18,000 people in over 60 countries. When you're that large, managing and keeping IT infrastructure under control can be tough. That's why they migrated their complete SAP infrastructure and all ERP solutions to the Microsoft cloud. And they did it without major business impact. If you're also looking to migrate your IT infrastructure, our team at Liquid Telecom can help. Contact us to get started.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Using shielded virtual machines to help protect high-value assets

No matter what your business is or where you operate, your machines are tools that need to be taken care of and protected. With the threat of cyberattacks on the rise, it's up to you to find a solution that keeps your data and infrastructure safe. At Liquid Telecom, we know how to help businesses just like yours incorporate virtual machines that shield your data and assets from attack. With our industry experience, we can help you find the right solution for the job. Contact us today for more.

View: Using shielded virtual machines to help protect high-value assets

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To learn more about Data and AI, subscribe now!

View: Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

Personalized Learning, Teachers Unleashed, and a Learning Analytics Partnership: The Story of Fresno Unified

After rounding the year 2 mark on their Personalized Learning Initiative, Fresno Unified School District has gained new insights into what exactly has made the initiative so exceptional in its ability to transform learning outcomes for students. Take a look at their findings in this article.


Tuesday 29 October 2019

Extended Security Updates after end of support for Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2

The end of support for SQL Server 2008 is coming. Are you prepared? With the end of support looming, your data and customers could be at risk. Now's a great time to transition to the latest version of SQL Server. At Liquid Telecom, we know how to speed your transition and minimize downtime, it's what we do. Contact us today to find out more.

View: Extended Security Updates after end of support for Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2

Discover threats quickly, remediate immediately, and mitigate the impact of malware and breaches

Technology is not static, and neither, therefore, are the methods cybercriminals can use to gain access to company networks or data. In light of this, an effective security system is one that can learn and react to new threats as they come. Discover the powerful combination of Microsoft tools that provide a comprehensive security strategy for your business.

View: Discover threats quickly, remediate immediately, and mitigate the impact of malware and breaches

Customer story: Ecolab

Ecolab is the global leader in water, hygiene, and energy technologies and services that provide clean water, safe food, abundant energy, and healthy environments. Changing global populations require companies like Ecolab to address the world's water challenge. But using data to preserve the natural resource can be challenging. That's why it's important to have a team of professionals available to help. At Liquid Telecom, we have the team you need. With years of experience and industry know-how, we can make your data transformation a reality. Contact us to find out more.

Customer story: TD Bank

6% of employees at TD self-identify as disabled. TD works hard to create a supportive environment where employees can bring their whole selves to work. By providing the right tools, they enable employees to self-accommodate and make their computing experience much more comfortable. How are you helping your employees to increase productivity in the workplace? Contact Liquid Telecom to learn how we can help you integrate the tools you need to enable your workers to reach their full potential.

Enabling Analytics for Improvement ‒ Lessons from Year 2 of Fresno's Personalized Learning Initiative

Take an in-depth look at the second-year results of Fresno Unified School District's Personalized Learning Initiative, including comparison data on closing the achievement gap for economically disadvantaged students and insights on the most impactful aspects of the initiative thus far.

View: Enabling Analytics for Improvement ‒ Lessons from Year 2 of Fresno's Personalized Learning Initiative

Monday 28 October 2019

Breaches happen. Learn how to protect your organization.

Check out this infographic to learn the three most commonly used inroads into your system and how best to secure your data from each strategy.

View: Breaches happen. Learn how to protect your organization.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Fresno Unified, the futures challenge, and 21C Learning Design

Take an in-depth look inside Fresno Unified School District's innovative Personalized Learning Initiative including their overall goals, year one progress, and adjustments for the future.

View: Fresno Unified, the futures challenge, and 21C Learning Design

Is Cloud Hosting the Best IT Solution for Your Business?

Whether it's being able to access a rich ecosystem of supportive apps or having immediate knowledge of your finances, the cloud can offer a wealth of benefits. At Liquid Telecom, it's important to us that our customers have the support they need as they upgrade their IT infrastructure. With our customer support focus, we will provide your company with the resources and knowledge of our industry experts so you can achieve more with your transition.


How Small Businesses Can Increase Their Digital Capabilities

As an SMB, improving your digital capabilities can be an affordable way to cut costs and reach customers. Few solutions can compete with the simplicity, performance, and cost savings of Microsoft solutions. Modernizing your data platform can be challenging. That's why Liquid Telecom is here to help. With the right tools and expert know-how, we can help your business integrate and implement these solutions today. Contact us to find out how.


Workplace Agility: The True Secret To Improving Productivity And Efficiency

How do you maintain easy collaboration, save costs, pull talent from everywhere, and provide employees with the flexibility to work where and when they want? Some employers are adopting SaaS platforms and the cloud to facilitate remote work safely and simply. Tools like Microsoft 365 and Skype are invaluable assets to a modern agile workplace. But adoption requires planning to execute. With experts from Liquid Telecom at your side, you'll be ready for the modern workplace, and so will your employees.


Tuesday 22 October 2019

A breach is inevitable. How can Microsoft help me detect and respond fast?

An all too familiar scenario: A single click in a phishing email and hackers are into a network, resulting in a ransomware request and an uneasy feeling. Learn what tools Microsoft 365 E5 has in its arsenal to ensure this isn't you.

View: A breach is inevitable. How can Microsoft help me detect and respond fast?

Customer story: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

With the desire to modernize their court system, Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts (ADGM) implemented tech tools to achieve the only free platform for civil and commercial courts in the world. While your goals for modernizing your data platform might not be as lofty, your business can certainly leverage the same tools. It's time for you to create a digital data platform that will enable your business to scale securely. Liquid Telecom wants to help. Contact us to find out how we can help you adopt Microsoft solutions.

Customer Story: Puma and Office 365

Puma, the international sports brand, is modernizing its workplace with a suite of tools that their employees are already familiar with--Microsoft 365. While it seems like a no brainer, the process to change your entire IT infrastructure can be complicated. That's why Liquid Telecom is here to help. We have the resources, experience, and knowledge needed to help you with your cloud integration. Contact us to find out how.

Customer Story: Fresno Unified School District

Through the lens of the Fresno Unified School District, check out the incredible transformations on an individual and community-wide level that happen when technology allows students to take greater control of their own learning experience.


Customer story: dv01

In the wake of the 2008 mortgage meltdown, the team at dv01 sought to provide transparency in the market. But as they grew, their finance team was getting bogged down. With Microsoft Machine Learning, their finance team can separate tech from finance so their people can focus on what they do best. Tech should help, not hold you back from achieving your goals. That's why at Liquid Telecom, we are here to help businesses like yours find the right technology solutions, so you can focus on what you do best.

Monday 21 October 2019

Customer Story: Guarding university data with a holistic security model

Watch the University of Arizona, in partnership with Microsoft, tackle the challenges of revamping a new, secure Active Directory system and move both students and staff to Office 365.


Wednesday 16 October 2019

Migration guide for Windows Server

Migrating Microsoft server applications is becoming more popular as businesses want the additional functionality, flexibility, and security of the cloud. That's why Microsoft offers a host of tools to support any migration. But the solutions are not always clear. At Liquid Telecom, we know how to help you identify the platforms and solutions that are best for you. Get the help you need from trusted industry experts. Contact us today to find out more.

View: Migration guide for Windows Server

Microsoft SQL Server 2019

With SQL Server 2008 coming to the end of its life cycle this summer, it's time to modernize your data platform to Microsoft SQL Server 2019. Power your organization by providing a data hub that you can use to access data sources from across your entire data estate through a consistent interface. If you want a hand in making the transition, you know we are always here to help. Contact us for more information on the benefits and specifics on how to upgrade to SQL Server 2019 today.

View: Microsoft SQL Server 2019

Tuesday 15 October 2019

How cloud-based PBX and PSTN save Microsoft more than $120,000 per day with Skype for Business

Communication is key for any modern agile business. As a large company, innovation is more cumbersome and saving money can be tough. Yet, by changing the way they pass information and enable employees to have more flexibility to communicate from wherever they are in the world, Microsoft saves more than $120,000 a day. With the Skype platform, their employees can leverage the benefits of a modern digital workplace. Your business can do the same. Contact us to find out how we can help.

View: How cloud-based PBX and PSTN save Microsoft more than $120,000 per day with Skype for Business

Prepare for Windows Server 2008 end of support

With the Windows Server 2008 end of support coming up in just under one year, it's time to start thinking about your transition to a supported platform like Windows Server on Azure. At Liquid Telecom, we can help you migrate off of outdated platforms and transform your operation. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help your business optimize and fine-tune your resources in the cloud.

View: Prepare for Windows Server 2008 end of support

Microsoft Security Intelligence Report: Volume 23

In this bi-annual publication, learn about the latest security threats affecting us all, including botnets, hacker methods, and ransomware.

View: Microsoft Security Intelligence Report: Volume 23

3 reasons to modernize your data estate

Still using an out-of-date data platform? There are major benefits awaiting organizations that modernize their data estate, including enhanced security and compliance, significant cost savings, and the ability to empower employees with business insights and advanced analytics capabilities. That all sounds great, but how does a business go about that modernization? We want to help you figure it out. Contact us to learn more.

View: 3 reasons to modernize your data estate

Why Cloud Customer Flyer

If you're still using an old, outdated email platform, you could be losing a considerable amount of time every week and opening your email content to malicious actors. With the capabilities of modern email platforms, you can access email on the go with flexible usage options and sync your email, calendar, and contacts wherever you go. It's one way in which you can build a modern agile workplace for your employees. Curious on how to adopt a new email platform? Contact us to find out more information and learn how we can help.

View: Why Cloud Customer Flyer

Monday 14 October 2019

Microsoft identity-driven security

As the security landscape becomes more mobile and complex, traditional security methods are no longer up to the task. Check out this infographic to learn why the holistic approach of Microsoft's Identity-Driven Security was designed to handle the threats of today, and tomorrow.

View: Microsoft identity-driven security

Wednesday 9 October 2019

The Digitization Of China And Opportunities For Open-Source Collaboration

The principles of open source are our greatest asset for navigating east-west relationships in the open-source community.


Tuesday 8 October 2019

The millennial arrival and the evolution of the modern workplace

The modern workplace is characterized by cloud-based collaboration tools, untethered workspaces, and more and more, by millennials. In fact, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2030. This article explores how businesses continue to evolve in step with a workforce that prioritizes work-life integration and expects access, flexibility, and technology that will not only contribute to personal growth but enable them to change the world.


How Modern Infrastructure And Machine Intelligence Will Disrupt The Industry

This article points to the emergence of containers, microservices, and cloud-native architecture as trends in the next generation of modern IT infrastructure. It also explores machine intelligence, the convergence of cognitive computing and IoT, as a second disruptive trend that platform companies, ISVs, global SIs, and emerging startups must keep top of mind to stay relevant in an ever-changing industry.


Customer story: Special Olympics

The Special Olympics, a global nonprofit that celebrates differences and promotes acceptance, inclusion, and healthy competition, is using technology to achieve more. The organization uses the Microsoft Cloud to track and access data for nearly 5 million athletes in 170 countries. Cloud technology has freed up innumerable hours that have been reinvested to empower athletes and change the world.

Customer story: Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev)

AB InBev, the brewer and marketing force behind one-third of the world's beer products, is on a digital transformation journey to move 80% of its workloads to the cloud by 2020. With Microsoft Azure, the company has built a global analytics platform, broken down data silos, and reduced IT costs, while increasing insights and agility.

Microsoft 365 Holistic Security

From privileges to passwords, this graphic highlights the strategies available through Microsoft 365 E5 to attain comprehensive security for employees who are always on the go.

View: Microsoft 365 Holistic Security

Monday 7 October 2019

Customer story: Adobe Open Source on Azure

Developing great software is what Adobe does. To achieve that goal, they run on multiple open-source applications making it very challenging to adapt to. With a modern digital infrastructure from Microsoft Azure, Adobe has the tools they need to deliver their software to customers. Our core mission is to help you get the modern infrastructure you need. At Liquid Telecom, we will leverage our industry expertise to ensure you can accomplish your goals. Contact us today to learn more.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

THE MICROSOFT DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SERIES Part 1: Digital Transformation Opportunity

The digital transformation has already begun. By 2020, 60% of all enterprises will have fully articulated an organization wide digital platform strategy. Where will your business be by 2020? Don't fall behind. Bring your enterprise up to speed with Microsoft Azure. Contact us to learn more on how we can help you adopt this transformative solution for your business.

View: THE MICROSOFT DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SERIES Part 1: Digital Transformation Opportunity

Tuesday 1 October 2019

How Microsoft planned and deployed Skype for Business to the Office 365 Enterprise E5 cloud

The cloud offers you the opportunity to save on IT infrastructure costs, improve employee and customer satisfaction, and accelerate time-to-market for many products, and that's not all. But simply discussing a move to the cloud won't get you those benefits or any others, that's why you need to act and begin the journey. And Liquid Telecom is here to help. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you on your journey to the cloud.

View: How Microsoft planned and deployed Skype for Business to the Office 365 Enterprise E5 cloud

SQL Server runs best on Azure Virtual Machines

Developing capabilities in the cloud is becoming increasingly more common. With the many databases available to consumers, SQL Server is the most used database in the world. SQL Server helps organizations reduce capital expenditures and configuration, as well as enable elastic scale and rapid deployment alleviating--and in some cases negating--many of today's IT challenges.

View: SQL Server runs best on Azure Virtual Machines

5 Reasons your organization should move to the cloud

With the proliferation of cloud technology, it's now easier than ever to migrate to a cloud services platform. With Microsoft cloud services, you can increase security, flexibility, communication, and business intelligence, and gain a host of tools you'll need to create a modern digital workplace. Contact Liquid Telecom today to find out how we can help you with the transition.

View: 5 Reasons your organization should move to the cloud

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Intelligent security for the modern workplace

Microsoft 365 E5 security covers a broad range of functions that work together to produce an easy-to-implement, effective, and cohesive system that is backed by continuous learning through ever expanding data.

View: Intelligent security for the modern workplace

Monday 30 September 2019

Customer story: KEXP

KEXP is known internationally for their music and authenticity. To help bring their global audience the music they want, KEXP needed to find a solution that could bring all of their services online. While they eventually accomplished their goal, they did run into roadblocks along the way. Your partners at Liquid Telecom and Microsoft can help you overcome any obstacle. With years of industry experience, you can be rest assured knowing your custom IT solution will be up and running in no time. Contact us today to find out more on how we can help.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

3 ways to protect yourself from a ransomware disaster

IT security and data protection are your only ways to combat ransomware. In today's digital age, your data is the lifeblood of your organization. Don't fall victim to ransomware attacks that could threaten your business and customers. With Azure, identify new threats and respond quickly with services that are informed by real-time global cybersecurity intelligence delivered at cloud scale.


Modern Digital Workplace: 5 Current Trends Making Waves In The Office

Modernizing your workplace needs to happen, but how do you go about doing it? When it comes to having a modern workplace, nothing says you're on the ball like integrating Microsoft cloud services. With Azure solutions, you can manage data with ease, and with Office 365, you can share and send documents while not having to worry about version control. It's the ease of use, familiarity, and trust you need in a cloud solution. Contact us today to learn more about Microsoft cloud services.


Customer Story: Taylor Wessing

With the world and nature of customer interactions changing rapidly, international law firm Taylor Wessing needs an IT solution that can keep up. With Azure cloud services, Taylor Wessing has the flexibility and speed they need to service customers. With advanced security benefits they can be sure their customer data will be secure.


Customer story: Hershey

Hershey has a lot of data that they need to share across their enterprise. Keeping their workforce mobile while being able to access that data can be tough, that's why they moved to the Microsoft cloud. With Microsoft, you can migrate to simple, distributed, cross-platform file storage without changing code. It's the first step in modernizing your IT infrastructure and business.

Bootiful Azure: Taking Your First Steps with Microsoft Azure (1/6)

As the first of six installments in this informational series, users of Spring can learn how to get started coding their applications via Microsoft Azure, leveraging all the unique tools and benefits along the way.


Tuesday 24 September 2019

A Closer Look At Hybrid-Cloud And Multi-Cloud Approaches

Risk is for losers. Literally. If you're not actively de-risking your IT infrastructure, you're asking for a ransomware attack where you could lose some or all of your hard-earned data. While cloud platforms like Azure can give you the data recovery tools you need, adopting a cloud solution can get tricky. At Liquid Telecom, we're pros at helping businesses transfer some or all of their data to the cloud. Contact us to find out more on how we can help you plan your journey to the cloud today.


Don't let Cloud security fall through the cracks

This article explores the shared responsibility between cloud and app vendors and enterprises when it comes to the security of an enterprise's cloud information. Who is responsible for what, and what can you do to ensure your name is kept out of the headlines?


Modernizing the Data Estate with Azure | Rohan Kumar

What do you hope a modern estate will bring you? When Microsoft began their own transformation, they realized that they wanted a system that would allow them to empower employees, deeply engage with customers, develop new and better products, and increase agility and efficiency in operations. They also realized that at the center of making all this possible was data and AI capabilities. How could their learning experience help your business? Check out this video to find out.

Customer story: Thomson Reuters with Azure SQL Services

The developers at Thomson Reuters needed to create a scalable cloud infrastructure capable of keeping their e-billing system safe. With tools like Azure SQL and Machine Learning, they automated and secured their e-billing system. While companies like Thomson Reuters have a lot of IT resources, we know you might not. At Liquid Telecom, we specialize in helping businesses just like yours to integrate solutions, protect, and scale your IT infrastructure.

Customer Story: Kier Group PLC

As part of its plan to move toward becoming part of the FTSE 100, Keir Group PLC knew that it needed to overhaul its IT systems. Watch how Microsoft 365 E5 was able to meet their security needs while still providing an accessible and easy-to-use system for their largely remote workforce.


Monday 23 September 2019

Modernizing the Data Estate with Azure | Rachita Sundar

Businesses are amassing enormous amounts of data, more than they know what to do with. Most are just using it to put together dense periodic reports explaining "what" happened too long after the fact to be of much use. Modernizing your digital workplace by moving to Azure and utilizing its AI technology can help you get a handle on your data and graduate from "what" happened to "how" it happened and, finally, to what "will" happen to inform what you should do all within a relevant period of time.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Microsoft uses analytics and data science to enhance the user experience

People need solutions that are easy to use and provide a great customer experience. Microsoft has made this a core tenant of solution usability. With products like Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, and SQL Server Analysis Services, Microsoft has created a data platform that allows them to collaborate and scale. Contact us to find out how we can help you integrate this same tech.

View: Microsoft uses analytics and data science to enhance the user experience

Office 365 helps secure Microsoft from modern phishing campaigns

Cybersecurity is a critical issue at Microsoft, as it is for organizations everywhere. Microsoft processes more than 400 billion emails each month and stops over 10 million malicious emails every minute to keep their users safe and secure on the cloud. Your business can leverage the same solution to provide a secure and agile workplace for your employees. Contact us for more information.

View: Office 365 helps secure Microsoft from modern phishing campaigns

Upgrade to avoid end of support for SQL Server 2008

Microsoft has a number of products that evolve over time. SQL Server 2008 is no exception. That's why it's time to upgrade. With SQL Server 2017, you don't just get an update--you get in-memory performance across workloads, mission-critical high availability, end-to-end mobile BI, and in-database advanced analytics with security features. At Liquid Telecommunications, we're here to help you get the right tools for the job. Contact us to find out more.

View: Upgrade to avoid end of support for SQL Server 2008

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Day in the life Retail

Retail can be demanding, that's why you need a business-class email provider that can keep up. Microsoft business-class email allows you to keep track of all your moving parts and communicate quickly with employees, suppliers, and customers. Your time is valuable, let Liquid Telecommunications help you make the most of it. Contact us for information on how we can help you integrate Microsoft business-class email.

View: Day in the life Retail

Microsoft increases productivity and protects assets with OneDrive for Business

Losing data because a device goes down is not an option. Cloud solutions like OneDrive for business can help you keep your data backed up and protected. With features like SSL encryption and the ability to set expiration dates on certain permissions, your data will be taken care of. Integrating new cloud solutions is tough for any business. That's why we're here to take care of you. Contact Liquid Telecommunications today to find out more on how we can help.

View: Microsoft increases productivity and protects assets with OneDrive for Business

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To receive updates from Liquid Telecommunications, and to learn more about how we can help with Microsoft 365, subscribe today!

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Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport

With your data backed up in the cloud, you don't have to worry about owning physical servers that are costly to maintain. For instance, Azure disaster recovery helped save Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport 69% by reducing their reliance of on-premises IT infrastructure. At Liquid Telecommunications, we know how to help you integrate cloud solutions, no matter what state your IT infrastructure is in. Start saving today; contact us to find out how.

How to fight back if you've been hacked

There is more than one stage in a cyberattack. Utilize this resource to learn how to protect yourself at each level and how to identify if you have been hacked.

View: How to fight back if you've been hacked

Monday 16 September 2019

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Check out the ways in which Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is designed to provide you with exactly what your business needs so you can save money without missing a beat.

View: Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Azure SQL or SQL Server: Which one is right for you?

What makes Azure SQL different from SQL Server? Learn the technical differences, the reasons behind them, and the potential impact on your business in this article.


You've Got Cloud. Now, What?

Cloud solutions are known for cutting costs and enabling innovation and agility, but not all cloud solutions are the same. This article discusses four of the fine print strategies you should consider when adopting a cloud solution.


What is Cloud Migration and Why is it Important

Why cloud? The digital revolution has empowered customers with more choices, requiring businesses to exchange outdated practices with modern solutions in a competitive landscape. In response, growth and adoption of cloud services are increasing across industries and businesses. This article explores six advantages of choosing the cloud.


The feds and the states are embracing privacy law - what that means to your business

A look into what changes businesses may be experiencing in the realm of customer data use and privacy compliance requirements, and how to effectively weather these changes.


Tuesday 10 September 2019

Customer story: Coats

Coats, the world's leading industrial thread manufacturer, chose the Microsoft cloud in its strategy to modernize its business and data platforms. With a 250-year heritage, a global footprint, and 19,000 employees worldwide, secure, reliable, and progressive systems are a must. The company deployed cloud-based collaboration technology, including Microsoft Office, and migrated most of its data payload and SAP estate to Microsoft Azure, reducing operating costs 25-30% and improving reporting performance by 600%.

Customer story: Toronto Zoo

Moving from pen and paper to a culture of cloud-based technology, the Toronto Zoo has revolutionized the way employees work. Using Office 365, they have improved internal processes and data sharing with partners around the world.

Customer Story: Qantas Airways Limited

Watch Qantas Airways tackle the challenge of keeping employees connected and focused on a common goal, even while scattered across the globe, by utilizing the cloud-based Microsoft 365.


Mapping Data Protection Strategies For The New Year

Even when Lewis and Clark set out to find the Northwest Passage, they had to keep business continuity and disaster recovery top of mind. Like those explorers, business owners and IT teams must put plans in place to mitigate unforeseen dangers and risks, while protecting data.


Customer story: Zespri

Zespri International markets and sells kiwifruit to retailers around the world. After business was disrupted by an earthquake and plant virus, the New Zealand grower moved business-critical SAP workloads to Microsoft Azure, reducing IT costs, promoting scalability, ensuring business continuity, and enabling the company to focus on what they do best--growing and selling kiwifruit.

Monday 9 September 2019

Customer Story: SitePro - part 6

Take a closer look at the ways in which SitePro is able to save their customers valuable time by transporting data almost instantly over the cloud.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Empowering your organization to embrace a data culture with Power BI

Companies are generating an amazing amount of data, but do they know how to use it? Often, the answer is "not really." You need to leverage a solution that can help your employees understand what your data is telling them. With Microsoft Power BI, you have access to manipulate, learn from, and act on your data. Use Power BI to explore, gain crucial insights, and make decisions in new and exciting ways. Contact Liquid Telecommunications to learn more on how we can help you integrate Power BI today.

View: Empowering your organization to embrace a data culture with Power BI

Microsoft migrates 150,000 mailboxes to Exchange Online

Before releasing Office 365 to the public, Microsoft recognized the advantage--to both users and the company--of migrating to Exchange Online. Exchange Online offers the ability to access email from anywhere on any device and much more. Exchange Online is one way in which Microsoft chose to modernize its business. Liquid Telecommunications and Microsoft want you to have a modern, agile workplace. Contact us for more information on how we can help you migrate to the cloud.

View: Microsoft migrates 150,000 mailboxes to Exchange Online

SQL Server 2017 Datasheet

Data is an important part of any modern business. Why not use a data platform with intelligence and security already built in? Microsoft SQL Server 2017 provides extras without extra cost, along with best-in-class performance and flexibility for your on-premises needs. Contact Liquid Telecommunications today to find out how we can help you integrate SQL Server for industry-leading performance and security.

View: SQL Server 2017 Datasheet

Day in the life--Financial services

Ever wonder what a day in the life of a financial services professional is like? With cloud email, partners can manage their business on the go and safeguard customer data. With Outlook, features like FindTime make it easy to identify gaps in schedules and set meetings, saving valuable time. Liquid Telecommunications and Microsoft want you to have access to professional cloud email for your mobile and agile business. Contact us today to learn more.

View: Day in the life--Financial services

Tuesday 3 September 2019

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To receive updates from Liquid Telecommunications, and to learn more about how we can help with Microsoft 365, subscribe today!

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Managing the enterprise cloud with Operations Management Suite

With cloud-based monitoring, Microsoft can keep watch over their entire IT operations environment, from the cloud to the datacenter, using the Operations Management Suite (OMS). With OMS, Microsoft doesn't need to add on-premises infrastructure. They can automate tasks and analyze logs and reporting across multiple platforms--including Azure and Windows Server. Your business can do the same. Contact Liquid Telecommunications to find out more information.

View: Managing the enterprise cloud with Operations Management Suite

Securely run and grow your business

Learn about the ways in which Microsoft 365 better protects your business against today's threats, while remaining cost effective and scalable.

View: Securely run and grow your business

What is Microsoft Azure?

Azure is a flexible, open, and secure platform. It grants you access to a broad collection of tools you can integrate into your IT environment. With 70+ compliance offerings, and 95% of Fortune 500 companies on board, you can be sure that the services Azure provides are secure and offer the largest portfolio in the industry. Contact Liquid Telecommunications to find out more on how we can help you integrate Azure solutions into your business.

View: What is Microsoft Azure?

SQL Server and Azure SQL Database GDPR Guidance

The task of GDPR compliance can be overwhelming for businesses but it doesn't have to be. This guide is intended to help businesses better understand what GDPR entails and begin the process of adapting their current security measures to meet the new requirements. Luckily for small and large businesses alike, Microsoft has done a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to preparing the infrastructure for successful compliance.

View: SQL Server and Azure SQL Database GDPR Guidance

Monday 2 September 2019

Growing SQL Server: Features from 2008 to 2017

As the end of service approaches for SQL Server 2008, let's take a moment to reflect on where we have been and the exciting new innovations available with SQL Server 2017.

View: Growing SQL Server: Features from 2008 to 2017

Customer Story: SitePro - part 5

SitePro is pushing the boundaries of what's possible for their oil and gas customers. To do this, they needed to be as agile and as informed as possible. They moved to Azure to enjoy the freedom and possibilities of the cloud.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Why Cloud (By Default) Gives You Security You Couldn't Afford Otherwise

Regardless of your industry, security should be a top concern. That's what makes moving to the cloud so attractive for IT pros. The increased mobility, flexibility, and ability to go serverless all have their place but the default security upgrade you receive by moving to the cloud is undeniably one of the greatest benefits. Microsoft and Liquid Telecommunications can help you find the solution that's right for your organization. Contact us today to find out more.


A Customer Data Platform Picks Up Where CRM Leaves Off

If you're not leveraging the power of a customer data platform, you might not truly understand your customers. With big data and a modern data platform, your business can drive customer experience to new heights. Azure is that modern data platform. With native AI--you can unlock insights faster from all your data, on-premises and in the cloud. Liquid Telecommunications and Microsoft are here to help. Contact us to find out how we can help you navigate your journey to the cloud.


Three steps to a new paradigm for disaster recovery and backup

Ransomware is putting entire systems at risk. You can't afford to let that happen to your business. Prevent attacks by taking a proactive approach. With Azure Backup, protect your on-premises virtual machines, physical servers, and files to Azure. With your data in Azure, you have the flexibility to restore your data to a specific period in time to keep your business moving.


Tuesday 27 August 2019

5 key areas to focus on while integrating cloud-based strategies

As moving to the cloud becomes less a matter of "if" and more a matter of "when" for most companies, the follow-up question is how best to go about doing so. This article identifies several key goals or opportunities companies will want to focus on as they enter into this process.


Customer story: TransBlue

Flexibility and mobility are important for any businesses operating in today's digital age. Especially for small businesses. Without a robust IT department, TransBlue took on the challenge of modernizing their workplace with Microsoft 365. With tools like Skype and Teams, they can collaborate from afar saving them time and resources. Liquid Telecommunications wants to help you modernize your workplace. Contact us today for more information on how we can help.

Missing Children Society of Canada

Helping find children isn't an easy business, but Missing Children Society of Canada is using Microsoft Azure and Xamarin to leverage Canada's social networks to bring missing children home. Azure gives them the scale they need to optimize their use of social media and supports rapid scaling required to take on millions of users. With Liquid Telecommunications and Microsoft, you can leverage the same power. Contact us to find out more.

Customer story: Maersk

You can't do everything on your own. Having a team of professionals with in-depth experience can revolutionize your business. Since integrating with Microsoft Services, Maersk, a logistics company and global container shipping leader, has dramatically reduced their time to market and improved their performance and reduced their operational risk. 

Customer Story: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company is ensuring they have the tools necessary to stay at the forefront of innovation by keeping their entire company connected and secure through Microsoft 365.


Monday 26 August 2019

SQL Database Engine Blog: What is Azure SQL Database Managed Instance?

Curious about the new Azure SQL Database Managed Instance? This article covers specifics about the offering, including features, security, scalability, and architecture.


Tuesday 20 August 2019

Protecting Azure resources with Recovery Services vault

Like many businesses, as their organization began rapidly migrating and deploying solutions to Azure, the demand for data protection in the cloud has also increased. That's why Microsoft developed Azure Recovery Services vault to help manage their backup and disaster recovery needs natively in the cloud. Contact Liquid Telecommunications to find out more on how we can help you use this same solution to meet your data recovery needs.

View: Protecting Azure resources with Recovery Services vault

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Backup and Disaster Recovery

You need to back up your data. But you shouldn't use just any service, you need a platform your team is already familiar with, a platform you can trust. You need Microsoft Azure. Azure offers an effective solution with enormous capacity for storage, built-in security, and cloud datacenters all over the world. At Liquid Telecommunications, we want to help you adopt the solution you need with Azure. Contact us for more information.

View: Backup and Disaster Recovery

SMB security: infographic

This infographic outlines common security breach scenarios caused by human error and the ways in which Microsoft 365 is addressing these problems through built-in security protocols.

View: SMB security: infographic

WS + SQL 2008 Extended Security Updates FAQ

As the end of support for Windows Server SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 approaches, questions will undoubtedly arise, especially relating to the Extended Security Updates offered by Microsoft. This document is here to answer those questions.

View: WS + SQL 2008 Extended Security Updates FAQ

Monday 19 August 2019

Discover the benefits of modernization and save with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Why move your on-premises SQL Server to the Azure cloud? Check out this infographic to learn about the savings and latest technological benefits of switching to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.

View: Discover the benefits of modernization and save with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Customer Story: SitePro - part 4

SitePro is harnessing the power of technology through the IoT and cloud capabilities to help their customers create safer, more efficient work environments.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Three reasons why Windows Server and SQL Server customers continue to choose Azure

For the past 25 years, companies of every size have trusted Windows Server and SQL Server to run their business-critical workloads. In fact, more than 70 percent of on-premises server workloads today run on Windows Server.


Be A Prepper: The Keys To A Digital Disaster Recovery Plan For Business Leaders

This article, written by a small business owner, is relevant to business leaders of every type. It highlights the importance of a disaster recovery plan and underscores the value of diligence and consistency when implementing one.


With GDPR Disrupting Email Marketing, LinkedIn Is the Best Alternative

This article explores how marketers can get ahead of the curve when moving to LinkedIn-centered marketing in response to the passage of General Data Protection Regulation, an EU data protection law that is disrupting common email marketing strategies.


Customer story: Nakilat

Qatari shipping and maritime company, Nakilat, aspires to be a global leader in energy transportation. To increase its efficiency, security, and competitive advantage, the company has transitioned its onshore offices and fleet of 67 vessels to a cloud-based, SaaS model. With Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Cloud App Security, Nakilat has securely improved employee communication and mobility. The company has also adopted Microsoft Azure to optimize operations and improve business continuity, reducing operating costs by 50%.

Monday 12 August 2019

Customer Story: SitePro - part 3

This week, delve deeper into the multiple service offerings from Azure that allow SitePro to run their entire turnkey application from this single platform.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Using cloud technologies to improve disaster recovery

Disaster lurks around every corner. You need a solution that can deliver peace of mind with a comprehensive solution. By using Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager and SQL Data Sync to improve application resilience and performance in the cloud, Microsoft IT helps ensure that business applications are always available, and data is protected in case of disaster.

View: Using cloud technologies to improve disaster recovery

Don't miss another post from Liquid Telecommunications

To receive updates from Liquid Telecommunications, and to learn more about how we can help with Microsoft 365, subscribe today!

View: Don't miss another post from Liquid Telecommunications

Azure Backup datasheet

Your data is more important to your organization than ever before. In today's technological world, having the tools to back up your information is vital to success. Azure Backup helps you retain rapidly increasing amounts of data while keeping storage costs low. It makes it easy for you to back up and restore your most important information when the unexpected happens.

View: Azure Backup datasheet

Security - common mistakes

This graphic identifies common security weaknesses that make small businesses easy targets for cybercriminals and provides insight on how best to address them.

View: Security - common mistakes

Monday 5 August 2019

SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 end of support is coming

Sadly, all things must come to an end. With end of support coming up for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2, use this document to help you make a smooth transition and learn about the new features arriving with SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.

View: SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 end of support is coming

The total economic impact of Microsoft Azure SQL Database managed instance

What is the economic impact of switching from an on-premises SQL Server to Azure? Microsoft asked Forrester to find out. Four client interviews later, the results are in: See how you can save by switching to Azure!

View: The total economic impact of Microsoft Azure SQL Database managed instance

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Announcing new options for SQL Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 End of Support

This article outlines the end of support timeline for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2, as well as options and recommendations for current users moving forward.


10 Things To Consider When It Comes To Disaster Recovery

Just as you would stock your home with supplies before a hurricane, it's necessary to prepare your IT infrastructure and operations before a proverbial storm hits. With Azure, you can use a litany of products and services to help recover and in many cases prevent disasters from rocking your organization.


How The Compliance Function Is Evolving In 2018 -- Five Key Findings

As the rate of game-changing technological shifts continue to increase across multiple industries, compliance functions will need to reevaluate how they go about examining risk and implementing risk-management protocols. What should compliance functions be doing now to proactively adapt to this changing environment? And what can you do to help them along this journey?


Customer story: Allscripts

Having a reliable and secure IT service provider was more than acquiring 1,000 VMs needed to run the show. Allscripts, a leading healthcare software manufacturer, acquired two companies in 2017. To ensure their new datacenter assets had a home fast, they brought on Microsoft Azure. The reliability of built-in disaster recovery protections means Allscripts doesn't have to worry about losing their data. You can do the same.

Customer Story: Marshall Public Schools

Marshall Public Schools are preparing their students for life after graduation using Windows 10 in S Mode. Students are able to gain valuable technological skills without requiring the school district to sacrifice security.


Monday 29 July 2019

Customer Story: SitePro video 2

Watch SitePro combine on-site data and Azure to bring value and efficiency to their customers' site management operations.

Thursday 25 July 2019

Customer Story: SitePro

SitePro gained a competitive advantage by combining onsite sensors and data collection with online data processing and management using Microsoft Azure. As a result, they were able to provide faster and more effective service to their customers, which in turn strengthened the offerings of their customers. It's a win for everyone.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Affinity Workforce secures its future with Microsoft 365

Watch Affinity Workforce tackle modern security challenges with ease, utilizing the integrated and user-friendly Microsoft 365. With the heavy lifting of security already done, companies can save money and employees can focus on getting straight to the task at hand.