Wednesday 30 October 2019

Using shielded virtual machines to help protect high-value assets

No matter what your business is or where you operate, your machines are tools that need to be taken care of and protected. With the threat of cyberattacks on the rise, it's up to you to find a solution that keeps your data and infrastructure safe. At Liquid Telecom, we know how to help businesses just like yours incorporate virtual machines that shield your data and assets from attack. With our industry experience, we can help you find the right solution for the job. Contact us today for more.

View: Using shielded virtual machines to help protect high-value assets

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Personalized Learning, Teachers Unleashed, and a Learning Analytics Partnership: The Story of Fresno Unified

After rounding the year 2 mark on their Personalized Learning Initiative, Fresno Unified School District has gained new insights into what exactly has made the initiative so exceptional in its ability to transform learning outcomes for students. Take a look at their findings in this article.


Tuesday 29 October 2019

Extended Security Updates after end of support for Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2

The end of support for SQL Server 2008 is coming. Are you prepared? With the end of support looming, your data and customers could be at risk. Now's a great time to transition to the latest version of SQL Server. At Liquid Telecom, we know how to speed your transition and minimize downtime, it's what we do. Contact us today to find out more.

View: Extended Security Updates after end of support for Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2

Discover threats quickly, remediate immediately, and mitigate the impact of malware and breaches

Technology is not static, and neither, therefore, are the methods cybercriminals can use to gain access to company networks or data. In light of this, an effective security system is one that can learn and react to new threats as they come. Discover the powerful combination of Microsoft tools that provide a comprehensive security strategy for your business.

View: Discover threats quickly, remediate immediately, and mitigate the impact of malware and breaches

Customer story: Ecolab

Ecolab is the global leader in water, hygiene, and energy technologies and services that provide clean water, safe food, abundant energy, and healthy environments. Changing global populations require companies like Ecolab to address the world's water challenge. But using data to preserve the natural resource can be challenging. That's why it's important to have a team of professionals available to help. At Liquid Telecom, we have the team you need. With years of experience and industry know-how, we can make your data transformation a reality. Contact us to find out more.

Customer story: TD Bank

6% of employees at TD self-identify as disabled. TD works hard to create a supportive environment where employees can bring their whole selves to work. By providing the right tools, they enable employees to self-accommodate and make their computing experience much more comfortable. How are you helping your employees to increase productivity in the workplace? Contact Liquid Telecom to learn how we can help you integrate the tools you need to enable your workers to reach their full potential.

Enabling Analytics for Improvement ‒ Lessons from Year 2 of Fresno's Personalized Learning Initiative

Take an in-depth look at the second-year results of Fresno Unified School District's Personalized Learning Initiative, including comparison data on closing the achievement gap for economically disadvantaged students and insights on the most impactful aspects of the initiative thus far.

View: Enabling Analytics for Improvement ‒ Lessons from Year 2 of Fresno's Personalized Learning Initiative

Monday 28 October 2019

Breaches happen. Learn how to protect your organization.

Check out this infographic to learn the three most commonly used inroads into your system and how best to secure your data from each strategy.

View: Breaches happen. Learn how to protect your organization.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Fresno Unified, the futures challenge, and 21C Learning Design

Take an in-depth look inside Fresno Unified School District's innovative Personalized Learning Initiative including their overall goals, year one progress, and adjustments for the future.

View: Fresno Unified, the futures challenge, and 21C Learning Design

Is Cloud Hosting the Best IT Solution for Your Business?

Whether it's being able to access a rich ecosystem of supportive apps or having immediate knowledge of your finances, the cloud can offer a wealth of benefits. At Liquid Telecom, it's important to us that our customers have the support they need as they upgrade their IT infrastructure. With our customer support focus, we will provide your company with the resources and knowledge of our industry experts so you can achieve more with your transition.


How Small Businesses Can Increase Their Digital Capabilities

As an SMB, improving your digital capabilities can be an affordable way to cut costs and reach customers. Few solutions can compete with the simplicity, performance, and cost savings of Microsoft solutions. Modernizing your data platform can be challenging. That's why Liquid Telecom is here to help. With the right tools and expert know-how, we can help your business integrate and implement these solutions today. Contact us to find out how.


Workplace Agility: The True Secret To Improving Productivity And Efficiency

How do you maintain easy collaboration, save costs, pull talent from everywhere, and provide employees with the flexibility to work where and when they want? Some employers are adopting SaaS platforms and the cloud to facilitate remote work safely and simply. Tools like Microsoft 365 and Skype are invaluable assets to a modern agile workplace. But adoption requires planning to execute. With experts from Liquid Telecom at your side, you'll be ready for the modern workplace, and so will your employees.


Tuesday 22 October 2019

A breach is inevitable. How can Microsoft help me detect and respond fast?

An all too familiar scenario: A single click in a phishing email and hackers are into a network, resulting in a ransomware request and an uneasy feeling. Learn what tools Microsoft 365 E5 has in its arsenal to ensure this isn't you.

View: A breach is inevitable. How can Microsoft help me detect and respond fast?

Customer story: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

With the desire to modernize their court system, Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts (ADGM) implemented tech tools to achieve the only free platform for civil and commercial courts in the world. While your goals for modernizing your data platform might not be as lofty, your business can certainly leverage the same tools. It's time for you to create a digital data platform that will enable your business to scale securely. Liquid Telecom wants to help. Contact us to find out how we can help you adopt Microsoft solutions.

Customer Story: Puma and Office 365

Puma, the international sports brand, is modernizing its workplace with a suite of tools that their employees are already familiar with--Microsoft 365. While it seems like a no brainer, the process to change your entire IT infrastructure can be complicated. That's why Liquid Telecom is here to help. We have the resources, experience, and knowledge needed to help you with your cloud integration. Contact us to find out how.

Customer Story: Fresno Unified School District

Through the lens of the Fresno Unified School District, check out the incredible transformations on an individual and community-wide level that happen when technology allows students to take greater control of their own learning experience.


Customer story: dv01

In the wake of the 2008 mortgage meltdown, the team at dv01 sought to provide transparency in the market. But as they grew, their finance team was getting bogged down. With Microsoft Machine Learning, their finance team can separate tech from finance so their people can focus on what they do best. Tech should help, not hold you back from achieving your goals. That's why at Liquid Telecom, we are here to help businesses like yours find the right technology solutions, so you can focus on what you do best.

Monday 21 October 2019

Customer Story: Guarding university data with a holistic security model

Watch the University of Arizona, in partnership with Microsoft, tackle the challenges of revamping a new, secure Active Directory system and move both students and staff to Office 365.


Wednesday 16 October 2019

Migration guide for Windows Server

Migrating Microsoft server applications is becoming more popular as businesses want the additional functionality, flexibility, and security of the cloud. That's why Microsoft offers a host of tools to support any migration. But the solutions are not always clear. At Liquid Telecom, we know how to help you identify the platforms and solutions that are best for you. Get the help you need from trusted industry experts. Contact us today to find out more.

View: Migration guide for Windows Server

Microsoft SQL Server 2019

With SQL Server 2008 coming to the end of its life cycle this summer, it's time to modernize your data platform to Microsoft SQL Server 2019. Power your organization by providing a data hub that you can use to access data sources from across your entire data estate through a consistent interface. If you want a hand in making the transition, you know we are always here to help. Contact us for more information on the benefits and specifics on how to upgrade to SQL Server 2019 today.

View: Microsoft SQL Server 2019

Tuesday 15 October 2019

How cloud-based PBX and PSTN save Microsoft more than $120,000 per day with Skype for Business

Communication is key for any modern agile business. As a large company, innovation is more cumbersome and saving money can be tough. Yet, by changing the way they pass information and enable employees to have more flexibility to communicate from wherever they are in the world, Microsoft saves more than $120,000 a day. With the Skype platform, their employees can leverage the benefits of a modern digital workplace. Your business can do the same. Contact us to find out how we can help.

View: How cloud-based PBX and PSTN save Microsoft more than $120,000 per day with Skype for Business

Prepare for Windows Server 2008 end of support

With the Windows Server 2008 end of support coming up in just under one year, it's time to start thinking about your transition to a supported platform like Windows Server on Azure. At Liquid Telecom, we can help you migrate off of outdated platforms and transform your operation. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help your business optimize and fine-tune your resources in the cloud.

View: Prepare for Windows Server 2008 end of support

Microsoft Security Intelligence Report: Volume 23

In this bi-annual publication, learn about the latest security threats affecting us all, including botnets, hacker methods, and ransomware.

View: Microsoft Security Intelligence Report: Volume 23

3 reasons to modernize your data estate

Still using an out-of-date data platform? There are major benefits awaiting organizations that modernize their data estate, including enhanced security and compliance, significant cost savings, and the ability to empower employees with business insights and advanced analytics capabilities. That all sounds great, but how does a business go about that modernization? We want to help you figure it out. Contact us to learn more.

View: 3 reasons to modernize your data estate

Why Cloud Customer Flyer

If you're still using an old, outdated email platform, you could be losing a considerable amount of time every week and opening your email content to malicious actors. With the capabilities of modern email platforms, you can access email on the go with flexible usage options and sync your email, calendar, and contacts wherever you go. It's one way in which you can build a modern agile workplace for your employees. Curious on how to adopt a new email platform? Contact us to find out more information and learn how we can help.

View: Why Cloud Customer Flyer

Monday 14 October 2019

Microsoft identity-driven security

As the security landscape becomes more mobile and complex, traditional security methods are no longer up to the task. Check out this infographic to learn why the holistic approach of Microsoft's Identity-Driven Security was designed to handle the threats of today, and tomorrow.

View: Microsoft identity-driven security

Wednesday 9 October 2019

The Digitization Of China And Opportunities For Open-Source Collaboration

The principles of open source are our greatest asset for navigating east-west relationships in the open-source community.


Tuesday 8 October 2019

The millennial arrival and the evolution of the modern workplace

The modern workplace is characterized by cloud-based collaboration tools, untethered workspaces, and more and more, by millennials. In fact, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2030. This article explores how businesses continue to evolve in step with a workforce that prioritizes work-life integration and expects access, flexibility, and technology that will not only contribute to personal growth but enable them to change the world.


How Modern Infrastructure And Machine Intelligence Will Disrupt The Industry

This article points to the emergence of containers, microservices, and cloud-native architecture as trends in the next generation of modern IT infrastructure. It also explores machine intelligence, the convergence of cognitive computing and IoT, as a second disruptive trend that platform companies, ISVs, global SIs, and emerging startups must keep top of mind to stay relevant in an ever-changing industry.


Customer story: Special Olympics

The Special Olympics, a global nonprofit that celebrates differences and promotes acceptance, inclusion, and healthy competition, is using technology to achieve more. The organization uses the Microsoft Cloud to track and access data for nearly 5 million athletes in 170 countries. Cloud technology has freed up innumerable hours that have been reinvested to empower athletes and change the world.

Customer story: Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev)

AB InBev, the brewer and marketing force behind one-third of the world's beer products, is on a digital transformation journey to move 80% of its workloads to the cloud by 2020. With Microsoft Azure, the company has built a global analytics platform, broken down data silos, and reduced IT costs, while increasing insights and agility.

Microsoft 365 Holistic Security

From privileges to passwords, this graphic highlights the strategies available through Microsoft 365 E5 to attain comprehensive security for employees who are always on the go.

View: Microsoft 365 Holistic Security

Monday 7 October 2019

Customer story: Adobe Open Source on Azure

Developing great software is what Adobe does. To achieve that goal, they run on multiple open-source applications making it very challenging to adapt to. With a modern digital infrastructure from Microsoft Azure, Adobe has the tools they need to deliver their software to customers. Our core mission is to help you get the modern infrastructure you need. At Liquid Telecom, we will leverage our industry expertise to ensure you can accomplish your goals. Contact us today to learn more.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

THE MICROSOFT DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SERIES Part 1: Digital Transformation Opportunity

The digital transformation has already begun. By 2020, 60% of all enterprises will have fully articulated an organization wide digital platform strategy. Where will your business be by 2020? Don't fall behind. Bring your enterprise up to speed with Microsoft Azure. Contact us to learn more on how we can help you adopt this transformative solution for your business.

View: THE MICROSOFT DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SERIES Part 1: Digital Transformation Opportunity

Tuesday 1 October 2019

How Microsoft planned and deployed Skype for Business to the Office 365 Enterprise E5 cloud

The cloud offers you the opportunity to save on IT infrastructure costs, improve employee and customer satisfaction, and accelerate time-to-market for many products, and that's not all. But simply discussing a move to the cloud won't get you those benefits or any others, that's why you need to act and begin the journey. And Liquid Telecom is here to help. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you on your journey to the cloud.

View: How Microsoft planned and deployed Skype for Business to the Office 365 Enterprise E5 cloud

SQL Server runs best on Azure Virtual Machines

Developing capabilities in the cloud is becoming increasingly more common. With the many databases available to consumers, SQL Server is the most used database in the world. SQL Server helps organizations reduce capital expenditures and configuration, as well as enable elastic scale and rapid deployment alleviating--and in some cases negating--many of today's IT challenges.

View: SQL Server runs best on Azure Virtual Machines

5 Reasons your organization should move to the cloud

With the proliferation of cloud technology, it's now easier than ever to migrate to a cloud services platform. With Microsoft cloud services, you can increase security, flexibility, communication, and business intelligence, and gain a host of tools you'll need to create a modern digital workplace. Contact Liquid Telecom today to find out how we can help you with the transition.

View: 5 Reasons your organization should move to the cloud

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Intelligent security for the modern workplace

Microsoft 365 E5 security covers a broad range of functions that work together to produce an easy-to-implement, effective, and cohesive system that is backed by continuous learning through ever expanding data.

View: Intelligent security for the modern workplace