Monday 30 November 2020

Windows Virtual Desktop Solution Overview

Get all the tools and resources you need to migrate your apps, data, and infrastructure at your own pace with confidence. Learn how Windows Virtual Desktop expands capabilities with the best virtualized end-user experience in the video below.

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Security Power

Securing your systems with a data driven, human guided security approach allows you to detect and respond to attacks more quickly and accurately. This infographic outlines how the global network of real time threat intelligence from Microsoft continues to evolve, anticipate, and stay ahead of risks.

View: Security Power

Tuesday 24 November 2020

8 Ways IoT Devices Can Improve Your Business Office

By now, you're very aware of the hugely successful IoT implementations some companies have released into the market. Wearables, smartphones, smart cars, and even smart traffic lights have made headlines across the world. But what about the stuff that doesn't make headlines? Some IoT applications—such as those we use around the office—may not be as exciting as others, but that doesn't mean they aren't as useful or interesting. In this article, you'll learn about IoT applications that are revolutionizing the workplace and how each of them can add value to products and services we didn't even know could be automated. From coffee machines to smart office heat mapping, these are 8 ways your office could be getting smarter in the near future.


Why Remote Work Trumps Being in the Office

It's no secret that when implemented with the right vision and control mechanisms, remote collaboration provides outstanding benefits for both employees and organizations. Workers enjoy greater flexibility plus the satisfaction of better work-life balance, while organizations obtain unparalleled scalability and increased efficiency across projects. In this article, we'll put you in the shoes of a passionate work-from-home advocate to discover the main reasons why this benefit is sought after by professionals in every industry. You'll also learn why, in these digital times, remote collaboration is not only an option, but THE best option for companies that wish to empower and motivate today's diverse and inclusive workforce.


BP deploys Microsoft 365 to improve user experience and security

Every day, BP manages the difficult business of finding, producing, marketing, and moving energy around the globe. Core to success is the modernization and digitization of the business, while being able to defend a vast digital perimeter against cyberattacks. This video shows how BP is migrating its work environment to Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 to take advantage of a platform approach.


End User Experience

Windows Virtual Desktop provides versatility and adaptability for unique businesses. Learn how your business can leverage this program to assist and address specific needs. Subscribe now.

View: End User Experience

The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

Not so long ago, it was believed that for teams to be productive, they required long hours confined in a physical office space with constant face-to-face interaction. To be fair, given the primitive state of digital collaboration tools at the time—which was pretty much limited to emails—there wasn't really a solid alternative to this scheme, so companies worked with what they had. Today, digitalization has made it possible for several people to seamlessly work together while being halfway across the world from each other. Exponential advancements in virtual workspaces have not only enabled teams to work as well as they did when they spent all day in the office, but have also proven that people are actually more productive the less they have to deal with alienating cubicles and two-way trips along traffic-congested highways. Not all digital workspaces have been equally effective, however. Yet decades of iterating and optimizing have finally given us a solid idea of the most important characteristics these spaces must have to reach their full potential. So what are they? Read this infographic to find out.

View: The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

Monday 23 November 2020

Create a connected business powered by Microsoft

Imagine you've worked hard to plan and strategize your IoT roadmap. You've finally established what devices you want to connect and how you're going to use that data to drive growth for your business. You've also convinced the board and other stakeholders about your strategy and have gotten the green light to begin ASAP. So you're all set, right? Well, not exactly. What's missing is one of the most challenging and crucial steps for most companies—one that can completely make or break your entire initiative: choosing the correct platform on which to execute your IoT program. Ideally, you want a platform that allows devices to connect seamlessly —of course—but you also need flexibility, scalability, security, and the ability to transform data into dashboards to obtain insights. In this infographic, you'll learn how Microsoft IoT Central meets all of these requirements while delivering an intuitive and highly customizable UI that can and will adapt to your business, not the other way around.

View: Create a connected business powered by Microsoft

Wednesday 18 November 2020

A digital workspace that transforms ideas into revenue. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Teams.

Innovative ideas are an organization's greatest asset. Yet these assets need the appropriate space to grow, evolve, and transform into revenue-generating initiatives. Whether digital or physical, today's workplaces need to harness the synergy of everybody involved and empower them to share and collaborate in an environment that fosters productivity. These workplaces also need to adapt to everybody's needs and remain intuitive for the entire team, regardless of age, background, or gender. Subscribe now to stay current on the latest digital workplace trends, and discover how you can foster inclusion and innovation across your business with the help of Microsoft.

View: A digital workspace that transforms ideas into revenue. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Teams.

Enabling your remote workforce infographic

More organizations are using virtual environments to increase productivity and save money. Learn about the benefits of Windows Virtual Desktop below.

View: Enabling your remote workforce infographic

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Leading the IoT: Gartner insights on how to lead in a connected world

The IoT is changing today's organizations into digital businesses. It's also creating innovative business models, boosting efficiency, and fostering engagement in both employees and customers. Change is not always smooth, however. Sometimes the only way to adapt and stay relevant is by radically reinventing the way things have been done in the past, which can be a painful process for some companies. There are other barriers to entry for IoT as well: most enterprises don't know where to start implementing the technology; moreover, if strategies do exist, there's almost always a conflict regarding who owns them. During these discussions, it's the job of the CIO to fill the resulting IoT leadership void. This book provides CIOs and IT leaders with a solid foundation for starting business conversations, developing initiatives, and creating successful IoT strategies with a quick time-to-market. Subscribe now to download your copy.

View: Leading the IoT: Gartner insights on how to lead in a connected world

Security beyond Microsoft products

With Microsoft, security can be simple once again. Microsoft 365 provides an intelligent security hub that works seamlessly across platforms, going far beyond Microsoft—to Linux and Mac, to AWS and beyond, so you can manage mission critical workloads with the right tools at your fingertips. Watch the video to learn more.


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Schneider Electric | How Microsoft Teams helped create a successful HR marketing campaign

Diversity is a defining characteristic of today's global workforce. With teams working on projects around the world, it's critical to have different perspectives on the work being done to ensure an inclusive final product or service that all users can relate to. To that end, Schneider Electric wanted to create a Human Resources campaign that would bolster its reputation as a company that prides itself on being diverse and recruiting the best talent from around the world. It was only appropriate, then, that during the creation of such an important campaign, the company would include as many voices as possible to ensure an adequate representation of its multi-ethnic workforce. In this video, you'll learn how Schneider Electric used Microsoft Teams to ensure constant collaboration and provide a digital workspace where ideas could be polished into final concepts. You'll also discover how even complex projects that span multiple teams across various regions can thrive when empowered with the right focus and digital tools.

FINNING | Challenges and Opportunities with IoT Apps on Azure Cloud

Every role within an organization needs specific tools and data to do their job as best they can. This task is more complex than it sounds, though. Without the required scalability and customization options, even small businesses can struggle when obtaining relevant information, let alone large, multinational corporations. If done right, however, the payoff is well worth it. Companies gain access to previously untapped data sources and the ability to filter such data according to each person's role within the organization. When combined with the right integrated productivity tools and digital collaboration software, this allows for unparalleled levels of adaptability, efficiency, and risk management. In this video, you'll learn how Finning has utilized IoT to connect its entire organization, enabling each person to view relevant data depending on their role within the company.

Monday 16 November 2020

Windows Virtual Desktop

Get all the tools and resources you need to migrate your apps, data, and infrastructure at your own pace with confidence. In the video below, learn how Windows Virtual Desktop expands capabilities with the best virtualized end-user experience.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

The Company Of The Future Has A Soul

Blake Morgan, author and speaker on customer experience, companies, and the future, states that it's clear that the most successful companies will be the ones that focus on enriching the lives of the people associated with it. It's not just about profits—it's about caring for other humans and our world. She says that people are frustrated by governments and their inability to make change as quickly as people want, and that instead people have turned toward corporations and businesses to make a greater, more efficient impact on society. "The company of the future has a soul," writes Morgan, "it has a purpose and contributes to the well-being of its customers, employees and community." Read her entire article and watch her short video, "The Company of the Future Has a Soul" for a richer understanding of what the best companies of the future embody.


Microsoft's Teams Is Its Slack Competitor for Office 365

It's no secret that Slack has taken the corporate world by storm. This successful collaboration app has managed to find a home in the offices and laptops of startups and multinational companies thanks to its intuitive, chat-based functionality. However, today's highly fluid, complex, and remote workforce requires more than just chat-based collaboration—it needs native integration with crucial productivity apps, as well as a secure, flexible document repository that enables multi-team and project cooperation. This is where Microsoft Teams excels. In this article, you'll learn the competitive advantages of Teams over competing tools, and how Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Office 365 corporate vice president Kirk Koenigsbauer have learned from industry pain points to create a fully integrated, holistic collaboration software solution that is empowering companies to scale and expand across the world.


Subscribe Now

Stay up to date on the latest technological trends and learn how Windows Virtual Desktop helps employees virtually maximize their productivity and security. Subscribe here.

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Cerner drives customer confidence, improves security and compliance posture with Microsoft 365

Cerner's life blood is healthcare information—data that is subject to some of the most stringent security and privacy regulations in the world. Working at the intersection of healthcare and information technology, Cerner helps shape the industry by delivering solutions to providers—from physicians to integrated delivery networks and large hospital systems—that empower them to transform healthcare delivery. Cerner turned to Microsoft cloud technologies to meet their own high standards and to assure clients who have concerns about the use of public cloud services for processing and storing their health information. Read more here.


Tuesday 10 November 2020

Incredible Real-World Applications Prove the IoT Is Here to Stay

As author Peter Daisyme accurately puts it, "While many people debate whether little computers in wrist devices, clothing, refrigerators and vehicles will truly change our lives, actionable change is already occurring on the business application side of the IoT." Regardless of which side of the argument you're on, the impact the IoT is having in our societies at a macro level is undeniable. While you're reading this, devices that measure and predict air pollution, vehicle traffic levels, machine failure rates, fire warnings, and crime rates are being employed to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. And as cities and businesses become more interconnected by the hour, we'll find more and more useful ways in which the IoT can help us better utilize our resources and lift the burden we put on our environment. In this article, you'll gain deeper insights into how IoT devices are being used by companies and governments alike to obtain accurate data across many potentially life-saving use cases. You'll also learn about what the future holds in store for us as cities powered by artificial intelligence become near-sentient beings capable of reacting in real time to the habits and living conditions of their inhabitants.


Construction giant gains competitive edge with zero-trust approach to security

When The Walsh Group—one of the largest construction contractors in the United States—moved to the cloud, it realized it needed better ways to manage who accesses its systems. The company set up identity as the control plane—with Microsoft Azure Active Directory at the center and a zero-trust security stance to better protect access to all its resources. Now, The Walsh Group CIO says the company leads the industry in securing access to its hybrid environment, giving it a competitive advantage. Read the article for more.

View: Construction giant gains competitive edge with zero-trust approach to security

3 characteristics that define the modern workplace

Today's diverse and intergenerational workforce is most productive when it has adequate channels to collaborate in a seamless and effective way. There's a catch, however: teams are far more diverse and remote than ever before, and each organization requires its own distinct approach to digital collaboration. In other words, your workplace tools and applications must be customized based on your teams' diversity, location, and work methods. With this infographic, you'll learn about the three main characteristics that define our modern workplace and gain insight into what drives productivity and efficiency in today's organizations. After reading it, you'll have a better understanding of current trends and can keep these in mind when creating or modifying your organization's work environment.

View: 3 characteristics that define the modern workplace

The 3 phases of an effective IoT strategy

IoT is quickly becoming the most important business revolution of the digital age, with its implications being felt across all industries worldwide. However, unlocking the true potential of IoT requires not only a clear roadmap with specific objectives, but also a solid front-end and back-end infrastructure that's capable of making sense of the data obtained. It's for this reason that both public and private organizations sometimes struggle when implementing a successful IoT strategy and fail to reach the desired return-on-investment (ROI). To address the risks you may encounter with IoT, we've created this short, insightful infographic. After reading it, you'll have a better idea of the tools and actions you should be executing during each of the three stages of IoT implementation to overcome challenges and maximize effectiveness. You'll also obtain a straightforward checklist that your teams can refer to when establishing or optimizing their strategies.

View: The 3 phases of an effective IoT strategy

Security intelligent infographic

Identify and repel more threats than ever before with Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Security, and Azure Sentinel. Take a look to learn more about intelligent security solutions for your entire enterprise.

View: Security intelligent infographic

Monday 9 November 2020

Windows Virtual Desktop intro

Windows Virtual Desktop creates best-in-class productivity across various devices and platforms. In this video, learn what these features can do for you and how they are important in an ever-changing work environment.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Largest and most trusted

Microsoft 365 guards your data as a valuable asset. With security built-in, not bolted on, integration and deployment are simplified. Subscribe now to learn more.

View: Largest and most trusted

Replace labor redundancy and manual tasks with digital efficiency. Subscribe now to learn more.

Digital technology has forever changed the dynamics between customers and companies. Companies must continually reinvent their business by going one step ahead of ever-evolving digital trends or risk becoming silent observers while their industry is led by other businesses more adept at digital transformation. Subscribe now to learn how your business can leave behind inefficient processes, duplicate tasks, and a reliance on physical workplace tools to become an active player in today's digital game.

View: Replace labor redundancy and manual tasks with digital efficiency. Subscribe now to learn more.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

City speeds emergency services, controls spending with Microsoft 365

The City of Corona, California, had an aging IT infrastructure that didn't adequately serve the government's or the public's needs. To address the issue, Corona deployed Microsoft 365, which includes Windows 10, Office 365, and Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security. With its modern solutions in place, the city now resolves many IT issues in 10 to 20 minutes versus four days, saves up to $1,000 in IT maintenance per incident, and has a foundation for future improvements. Read more here.


FINNING | Digital Transformation on the Azure Cloud

In 2015, Finning decided to upgrade its customer experience strategy. The goal: to double down on interconnectivity and integration by using IoT devices to obtain data from all available touchpoints. Watch this video to learn how Finning managed to overcome two of the construction industry's main challenges—disconnected data and paper-based processes—and reap the benefits of digital transformation with Azure IoT.

J. Walter Thompson creates a global collaboration hub with Microsoft technologies

J. Walter Thompson, one of the world's largest advertising and marketing firms, needed a way for its geographically dispersed teams to effortlessly collaborate, produce great work, and increase efficiency. The agency also needed its workforce to have access to the newest digital workplace technology while enabling integration with existing Microsoft Office 365 tools and applications. Watch this video to learn how Microsoft Teams empowered J. Walter Thompson to drive projects across locations by allowing it to seamlessly add members, create and share content, and deliver on the unique value proposition that the agency has been known for since 1896.

Security Solution Overview

With data growing increasingly valuable and harder to protect, Microsoft provides security solutions across identity and access management, information protection, threat protection and security management. Harness integrated, comprehensive security with Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Security, and Azure Sentinel to identify and repel more threats than ever before and safeguard your organization, without sacrificing productivity.

Collaborate better with Microsoft Teams. Subscribe to learn more.

Today's global workforce relies on technology to push forward revenue-generating projects. Now more than ever, finding the correct workplace tools is becoming a crucial part of every organization's digital transformation strategy. Subscribe now to discover how Microsoft Teams is delivering tangible, scalable benefits to companies worldwide. Additionally, learn how Microsoft technologies can empower your business to become a local, regional, or global leader by driving increased efficiency and superior collaboration.

View: Collaborate better with Microsoft Teams. Subscribe to learn more.