Wednesday 24 February 2021

How virtual agents transform the customer experience

Design a better, more positive customer experience and build customer engagement by leveraging intelligent chatbot technology when you enable Always On service. Read this blog post to learn how Dynamics 365 Virtual Agent for Customer Service offers best in class Microsoft AI-enabled chatbot and analytics technology for one, easy to implement customer service solution. 


Putting customers at the center of the OEM supply chain

This report from The Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by Microsoft, discusses the upside of supply chain digital transformation. Benefits include improved ability to meet strategic objectives and compete in a fast-changing global landscape.


Dynamics 365 automates complex transactions and business processes

Microsoft developed COSMIC (Customer Obsessed Solution Management and Incident Care) to help streamline the tasks required to complete a transaction. It provides a clear view of the case as it progresses and uses defined stages to show status from start to finish. It's one tool of many that your business can leverage with Microsoft Dynamics 365. Contact us for more.

View: Dynamics 365 automates complex transactions and business processes

Customer Service Key Capabilities

Digital innovation has changed the landscape of every industry. With increased customer knowledge and commoditized products and services, businesses are focusing on customer experience to develop key differentiators from their competition. Microsoft Dynamics 365 enables consistent experiences across any combination of self- and assisted service engagements, so your customers can get a quality experience every time and Liquid Telecom can help. Contact us today.

View: Customer Service Key Capabilities

62% of enterprises sacrifice mobile security for speed

According to Verizon's Mobile Security Index (MSI) 2020, 39 percent of organizations admitted that they've experienced a security compromise involving a mobile device. This becomes much more concerning when you consider that the average loss from a successful business-email compromise attack is nearly $130,000. However, despite the risk and huge losses, only 13 percent of enterprises have adopted regular security screening, data encryption, need-to-know access, and no default passwords corporate wide. So why are companies actively putting themselves at such risk, and what solutions are currently available to protect them from the latest security threats? Learn the answer to these questions and obtain greater insights into today's mobile cybersecurity landscape in this article.


Tuesday 23 February 2021

Where Artificial Intelligence Will Disrupt Next

With so many possible artificial intelligence (AI) applications, predicting trends can be challenging, especially in an age when innovation reigns supreme and new breakthroughs occur every day. So, in an effort to gain further insights into the future of AI, researchers from Stanford University and the Brookings Institution analyzed keywords in patents to identify where the technology will have its greatest impact on jobs and companies in the years ahead. Read this article to learn about their predictions about the future of AI and gain insights into what industries will be most impacted by artificial intelligence and its applications.


Customer Service Trends

Customers' expectations for the service your organization delivers is evolving as rapidly as the technology to deliver it. This infographic highlights some of the key standards Microsoft can help you achieve.

View: Customer Service Trends

The Resilient Supply Chain: Trusted, Sustainable, Intelligent

In this eBook, learn how to improve your organization's service resilience and profitability by planning and implementing a more resilient supply chain. Discover how you can mitigate the challenges facing supply chains by leveraging the power of cloud technologies.

View: The Resilient Supply Chain: Trusted, Sustainable, Intelligent

The four pillars of Microsoft 365 enterprise security

In the era of cloud-first and mobile-first technology, productivity and security go hand in hand. This means that when utilizing digital tools, the fact that your data remains secure, encrypted, and in the right hands is just as important - if not more so - than the increase in productivity obtained by using them. Therefore, choosing the correct applications involves a careful understanding of their features so you can avoid leaving your business unprotected or putting a strain on productivity with secure but stiff software. With this infographic, you'll gain a better understanding of how Microsoft 365 not only empowers your employees with tried-and-true productivity features, but also delivers on four key security pillars that ensure enterprise-wide security.

View: The four pillars of Microsoft 365 enterprise security

A step forward in the age of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way, especially in recent times. In the past five years, adoption of AI-driven technology has significantly increased among the world's enterprises, leading to smarter machines and a validation of AI's role in these organizations. As more businesses adopt AI, it becomes more important as a potentiator of human talent. Businesses also gain increasing access to unparalleled levels of innovation. In this infographic, you'll get a glimpse into how Microsoft-powered AI features have been making businesses around the world smarter and more efficient.

View: A step forward in the age of artificial intelligence

Monday 22 February 2021

Kennametal embraces Microsoft cloud strategy to drive business innovation

This customer story demonstrates how Microsoft equipped Kennametal with the technology and tools needed to become a cloud-first company. Leveraging Azure and Dynamics 365, Kennametal reduced costs, increased productivity, and empowered workers to deliver superior results.


Thursday 18 February 2021

Empower employees and citizens with connected mobile experiences. Get started with Microsoft for Government.

In an interconnected, constantly moving world, reaching thousands—or even millions—of citizens requires governments to go above and beyond traditional media outlets. Providing access to services through mobile applications is therefore essential to guarantee the availability of public services and ensure that citizens have an open channel to communicate their needs and concerns. Furthermore, supporting public employees with flexible mobile tools can empower them to do increasingly more effective field work and become more efficient with their time. Subscribe now to learn more about how you can transform your organization into a modern digital workplace with Microsoft for Government.

View: Empower employees and citizens with connected mobile experiences. Get started with Microsoft for Government.

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Increase yields with smart, solar-powered farming solutions. Learn more about Microsoft Azure AI.

Optimizing resources is a top priority in the farming industry. As farmable land gets more utilized and population increases, the need to do more with less becomes a crucial competitive advantage. Luckily, today's farmers have various digital tools at their disposal such as automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence that allow them to increase yields while lowering their water and electricity consumptions levels. Subscribe now to learn how independent farmers around the world are leveraging Microsoft technology powered by solar energy to increase and stabilize their income, and how you, too, can get started with Azure AI.

View: Increase yields with smart, solar-powered farming solutions. Learn more about Microsoft Azure AI.

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Factory of the future: Achieving digital excellence in manufacturing, today

"Industry 4.0" is the term coined to describe the rise of automation and data exchange in manufacturing, technology, and it has transcended the factory floor to now include the entire manufacturing process. In this eBook, explore how to optimize your digital operations with business solutions for intelligent factories.

View: Factory of the future: Achieving digital excellence in manufacturing, today

How To Win With A Tech-Forward Customer Experience

This article explores the role of technology in curating customer experience. In an era when customers often view businesses, products, and services as commodities, customer experience is becoming a key differentiator.


Customer story: Jumeirah Hotels

Jumeirah Hotels & Resorts--owners of some of the world's most luxurious hotels--has a reputation for delivering world-class hospitality. In their tradition of excellence, the company compiles data through its customer loyalty program to customize and deliver personalized messaging. This has resulted in nearly 50% customer engagement and a 10% increase of year-over-year revenue.

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Create customers for life | Dynamics 365 Customer Service

This video showcases how Microsoft Dynamics 365 streamlines the process to delivering a complete and fulfilling customer service interaction with fast, personalized, intelligent support.

Industry 4.0: IoT key to building agile factories of the future - Microsoft Industry Blogs

This blog outlines how to utilize IoT solutions to build smart, agile factories that meet and overcome modern challenges. Learn how to drive operational efficiency, improve product quality, and increase uptime and availability.


City of Houston: Enabling a mobile workforce

Population growth is an inevitable aspect of modern cities, and with it comes the need for better infrastructure, more accessible services, and innovative communications channels that provide two-way communication between the government and its citizens. A bigger population also requires more public employees that serve as the eyes and ears of government institutions, and help ensure that critical services are provided to their city's most vulnerable populations. In this video, you'll watch how the City of Houston, Texas is using digital transformation to actively prepare for an increase of three million people during the next twelve to fifteen years. You'll also learn how the city is using Microsoft technology to provide its 22,000 employees with mobile solutions they can use to communicate effectively in both the field and the office.

Empowering independence for farmers

Modern technology has enabled farmers to obtain impressive yields that sustain entire populations while allowing them to become as efficient as possible with their available resources. However, most of this technology is dependent upon stable electrical grids, large-scale aqueducts, and a steady fuel supply, all of which are not readily available to millions of farmers around the world. One of these farmers is Monica, who depended on a water well located on her property as her only water source to sustain both her farm and her family. To make matters worse, climate change made rain increasingly scarce in her region of Kenya, Africa, which further decreased her available water supply and forced her to work harder just to maintain her current yields. Thankfully, just as things seemed impossible, digital transformation provided her with the solution she needed to secure a better future. In this video, you'll learn about Monica's story and how, thanks to solar-powered Microsoft technology, she was able to automate her entire irrigation system, gain access to accurate weather forecasts, and obtain more income year round.

A New Generation of Intelligent Chatbots Will Transform the Way Services Are Delivered

Chatbots are already used by many organizations, but their flexibility, functionality and value can vary widely. As you consider the adoption of virtual agent technology in your own enterprise, you need to be sure you've done your homework at the front end to understand what problems you want to solve and what business results you hope to achieve. This article from Forbes examines best practices for implementing virtual agents in your organization.


Monday 15 February 2021

Jabil creates the factory of the future with predictive analytics

In their pursuit of digital transformation, Jabil leveraged predictive analytics and real-time manufacturing to optimize processes and create an agile factory. In this customer story, learn about the specific ways they applied Microsoft tools and solutions to create their factory of the future.


Wednesday 10 February 2021

HP uses artificial intelligence to transform its customer support experience

Learn how HP used the Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI solution to build a virtual agent and improve their customer experience by delivering better contact center support. This AI solution can help customers solve common problems via virtual assistant, provide support staff with instant access to a wealth of troubleshooting information, and gain deeper insights for the company into common customer issues.


Transforming sales: Microsoft removes obstacles and gives back time with Dynamics 365

Digital transformation has reached every business, including Microsoft. With the change, Microsoft has undergone a revamp of their sales culture. With tools like Dynamics 365, Azure cloud solutions, and Office productivity, they've created a curated sales experience that eliminates hours of administrative processes to empower sellers with innovative tools.

View: Transforming sales: Microsoft removes obstacles and gives back time with Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics for Customer Service

How do you keep track of your customers? Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the next generation of intelligent business applications that enable your organization to grow, evolve, and transform. These applications unify CRM and ERP capabilities with purpose-built applications that work seamlessly together to help manage specific business functions.

View: Microsoft Dynamics for Customer Service

Deliver always-on service with Dynamics 365 Virtual Agent for Customer Service

Discover how Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Insights and Power Virtual Agents delivers a 360-degree view of your service operation, along with machine-learned insights to help use data to make smarter decisions about what to optimize or automate in order to deliver exceptional customer service.

Three important information security predictions for 2020

As digital transformation evolves with each passing year, so too does the information security landscape. For organizations that leverage cloud technology, this means staying updated on new ways to prevent and counter cybersecurity threats while relying on trustworthy sources of information for insights into future potential security developments and circumstances. In this article, you'll learn about three critical cybersecurity predictions for 2020, the impact each may have on the digital business landscape, and how your business can act to avoid being affected.


Tuesday 9 February 2021

Forget the ROI: With artificial intelligence, decision-making will never be the same

The benefits of AI are undeniable, yet the technology itself is still not widely seen as a surefire investment by a large percentage of today's decision makers. As a matter of fact, a recent study revealed that only 40 percent out of 1,500 executives have stated that they're currently executing one AI initiative, or are in the process of doing so. There are multiple reasons for this— among them, a shortage of AI professionals, plus challenges when calculating profitability —but the real silver lining is that the fight for greater inclusion of AI-driven projects starts by bringing solid arguments to the boardroom. In this article, you'll read about four evidence-based and time-proven cases you can use to push forward the execution of your artificial intelligence initiatives.


Connect sales, service, and operations using Power Platform

This video highlights how Power Platform can help accelerate B2B manufacturing sales by connecting sales, service, and operations. Learn how Microsoft's Power Platform and Common Data Model can increase the lifetime value of customer relationships.


6 risks and opportunities of the intelligent, connected cloud

No technology is a hundred percent failproof, and as businesses get more and more digitalized, they're also unwillingly increasing the risk of someone stealing their data or compromising their credibility. Therefore, before taking their business to the cloud, organizations must carefully choose the platforms that ensure the safety and compliance of their data while enabling them to seize the opportunities available to them. In this infographic, you'll catch a glimpse of both sides of cloud technology: on one hand, the immense opportunities it provides in terms of innovation and mobility; and on the other, the risks that businesses must be aware of to safeguard the continuity of their operations in the digital world.

View: 6 risks and opportunities of the intelligent, connected cloud

Begin your artificial intelligence journey with Microsoft

Today, artificial intelligence is becoming essential to the daily operations of the world's leading enterprises. This integration has allowed subsequent breakthroughs in AI to trickle down into other industries and smaller-sized businesses, allowing them to reap the benefits of technological advancement and automation. Thanks to this snowball effect, artificial intelligence is no longer the work of science fiction, but a relevant and necessary tool that can help you achieve previously unattainable business opportunities and increase efficiency like never before. In this infographic, you'll learn more about the history of Microsoft's AI breakthroughs to gain a better perspective on how your current initiatives can be complemented or enhanced by Azure AI.

View: Begin your artificial intelligence journey with Microsoft

Monday 8 February 2021

Connected Sales and Service with Microsoft Dynamics 365

In this video, discover how Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service empowers manufacturers to improve customer engagement and profit margin, create accurate and tailored solutions for each customer, and automate the configuration, pricing, and quoting process for their sales teams to create accurate, personalized solutions.

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Create a smarter farm powered by sustainable energy and artificial intelligence. Learn more about Microsoft Azure AI.

When it comes to digital transformation, becoming more efficient has always been a top priority, especially with regard to natural resources. Here, smart farming has allowed the industry to evolve in an exponentially more sustainable way while also delivering innovative solutions to issues such as population growth, climate change, and livestock nurturing. Subscribe now to get the latest news on how you can start creating a smarter farm, fueled by sustainable energy sources and powered by the intelligence of Microsoft Azure AI.

View: Create a smarter farm powered by sustainable energy and artificial intelligence. Learn more about Microsoft Azure AI.

Technology Trends That Will Radically Change The Face Of Customer Care

Customer service has been around for a long time. But with new tech, customer service is changing rapidly. Microsoft Dynamics 365 has the capability to radically improve your customer service experience. Drive business results with next-generation, multi-channel applications that infuse artificial intelligence (AI), mixed reality, social, and mobile capabilities for rapid innovation.


Customer story: Providence St. Joseph Health

Providence St. Joseph Health is moving beyond the typical call center to provide more personalized experiences for patients. Liaisons from its Patient & Provider Engagement Center are solving industry-wide challenges--creating more personalized patient experiences, better addressing patient needs, and helping patients access the right care with the right providers.

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Drive security and compliance across the entirety of your business. Learn more about Microsoft 365.

Regardless of the nature of your organization, keeping your data secure and ensuring compliance are two of the most demanding priorities. After all, what good is creativity, efficiency, and talent if they can get easily stolen, copied, or shut down because of outdated technology? The good news is that even though these requirements are as crucial as they've ever been, never before have businesses been vested with so many alternatives to customize the way they do business. In fact, the cloud has allowed organizations to shift their manpower from security and compliance to increasing productivity and innovation. Subscribe now to learn about digital transformation success stories and how you can ensure your business remains secure and compliant with Microsoft.

View: Drive security and compliance across the entirety of your business. Learn more about Microsoft 365.

Digitally transform your field service: 5 case studies from manufacturing

In five case studies, this eBook explains how cloud technologies can drive revenue growth, optimize processes, increase productivity, and improve customer experiences. Learn how tools like IoT, AR, and Dynamics 365 Field Service can provide transformative data insights.

View: Digitally transform your field service: 5 case studies from manufacturing

Smart-building sweet spot: connecting building data with service technicians

In this customer story, learn how MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connected Field Service and Azure IoT services to respond proactively to potential problems and fix them before they cause disruptions. Dynamics 365 gives their workforce the tools to work more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction.


The City of Houston: Security as a job

Ensuring citizen safety is the utmost concern of any local government. With so many things that can go wrong at any given time, it pays to have the best technology available aiding these efforts to enable accurate situation analysis, quick response times, and effective monitoring of the response teams involved. Fortunately, digital transformation has empowered the rapid evolution of cities' response protocols and opened the door for new capabilities to be integrated into their existing efforts. In this video, you'll learn how the City of Houston has embraced digital, and the IoT to ensure disaster recovery and response, keeping schools safe, and guaranteeing transportation, trust, and mobility.

SunCulture: Helping to weather the dry seasons

Sometimes, having access to the right data at the right time can enable life-saving decisions. If you don't believe so, just ask Monica, a Kenyan farmer who has to leverage water from a well in her back yard to irrigate her crops as well as provide her family with drinkable water. Due to climate change, rainy seasons have become more and more scarce, forcing her to carefully manage her water output depending on the weather patterns in her region. Watch this video to learn how solar-powered digital transformation and Microsoft Azure are empowering farmers like Monica with easily accessible, accurate data that allows them to effectively predict rainfall, control their irrigation systems, and increase yields.

Monday 1 February 2021

Five ways to know you are ready for connected field service

This blog post by Microsoft details benefits of connected field service and outlines five ways to tell when a company is ready to equip their organization with connected field service.